Sunday, February 04, 2007

Figuring out why I'm tired . . .

Back in the day (you can determine what day that would be), people lived where they lived.

Maybe they wrote a few letters. A long distance phone call was a big deal. A trip across the country unusual.

Me? I don't know where I live. I keep trying to live in all the places I've lived before while attempting to be fully present where I am.

I write very few letters. I check my email more often than I brush my teeth. I blog and read the blogs of my friends. My cell phone is always with me, and if I am not talking on it, I might be texting one of my brothers. I've lost count of how often I've flown over mountains and oceans. If my wireless internet is on the fritz, I can hardly function. It's hard to be fully present where I am because I spend so much of my time and energy "keeping in touch". As if I weren't busy enough, I recently signed up on Facebook.

And I am thankful that technology has provided a means for me to remain in the lives of the people I love even when I am far from them. But sometimes it gets to be too much.

I try to be omnipresent . .. . living everywhere and experiencing everything all at once. I try to be omniscient . . . . knowing all the events and thoughts of the people I love and even some I don't love. And I end up tired because I'm not omnipotent. I just don't have the power. I've been trying to be God. The problem is that I am not God.

Perhaps my time would be better spent praying for the people I hold in my heart instead of feeling guilty for not responding to their emails.


Sarah Gingrich said...

I can soooo relate!!! Good advice too. What I struggle against is my tendency to "live where I am" and not keep in touch as I should, leading to hurt in friends and family....but, we give grace and we receive it. I find some peace in that. : )
Blessings my friend!

Glenna said...

Hey friend. It was great to talk to you last night...I couldn't stop smiling after that. It made for a good night sleep. I love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

I was without my computer for one day (yesterday) and I felt completly lost. I remember back when I was a kid (not that terribly long ago) and computers were for the rich, at 16 I made a call on my aunts cell phone and it cost me $18.00 for 5 mins. YIKES! Boy times have changed. Like you, we need to remember to take time to be still and pray. Love ya and praying for you;)

Nickie said...

Hey Jen! I miss you so much! And I completely understand your frustrations! There are so many people in so many places who all mean so much to me! I know that I haven't called in a while, but I do love you and miss you! I would love to see you soon!