Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ho Ho Ho!

Like most students, I am celebrating the start of the holiday season by writing final exams. I hit a few Christmas parties in between nights of study and solitude. Today was my first exam of the week and two more will follow in the days to come. Then I will board a WestJet flight for Calgary and eventually wind my way to the winter wonderland of Frontier. Brr.

With the morning's test over and a couple hours of study finished in the library, I headed home for lunch. Walking to the bus, I felt something dripping on the back of my leg. The first time, I assumed it was "mysterious wet", the phenomenon of somehow getting moisture on your person from unspecified and unseen sources. This was a common occurrence in my Taiwanese life. After another drop on the same spot, I knew the rain was coming from my backpack. Indeed, my water bottle had burst its top and dowsed the contents of my bag, including a pink sheet of paper which felt inclined to share its dye with everything around it. A pink puddle emerged on the sidewalk. Just another day in my life . . . A good Samaritan stopped and gave me a plastic Safeway bag. She turned out to be Anna, a Christian girl who likes to study in Regent's atrium. So perhaps I made a new friend/acquaintance. But still, the soggy books and papers were disheartening.

But seeing the bus pull up brought a smile to my face. I had hit the jackpot. The Santa bus. Stuffed animals were lined up on the dash. Splashes of red and Christmas decorations circled around the driver . . . who was none-other than Santa Claus himself. I showed him my bus pass and wished him a hearty, "Merry Christmas" before taking a seat.

Thank God for blessings like a stranger with a Safeway bag and a Santa Claus who exchanged his sleigh for a bus.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jen!!! Sorry I missed your call the other day. I hope you have a fabulous holiday with your family. May it be filled with love, laughter, food and family!!!

We WILL get together when you get back!!!

Kat said...

Love reading your blog as always!

Merry Christmas Jen!

love katrina & the boys

Nickie said...

Merry Christmas Jen! I can't wait to see you in the new year. Take care and love lots!