I hate garbage strikes.
Since sometime in July, the civic workers in Vancouver have been on strike. No swimming pools. No libraries. And no garbage pick-up.
It didn't affect me until I moved a month ago. A private company removed the trash at my old apartment. But now on the hill in Kerrisdale, the oldest population in Vancouver, I too suffer because of "Sam's Strike".
But the creatures love it - squirrels, raccoons, and the dreadest skunk. One night, I was coming in through the gate when I heard a little rustle by the bush. I looked down, expecting a friendly cat. Instead, an angry skunk charged at me, his tail too fluffy for my liking. I turned and ran for the door - the locked door. As I fumbled with the keys, I kept looking back to make sure he wasn't a rabid skunk that would chase me.
Two nights later, Mary and I came home together, stomping our feet and making jokes about skunks. I turned the corner to our entryway and there was Mr. Skunk, guarding our door. Just my luck . . .
Slow Suicide
Sometimes I get a Superwoman complex. I think that I can take three classes, finish up a correspondence course, work two TA positions, spend a day volunteering downtown, work a couple shifts at the golf course, and still have time for a social life. When I wake up on Monday morning, I know that I won't have a time for even a cat nap until maybe Thursday afternoon. I am slowly killing myself.
A New Favorite Quote
Last weekend was the annual Regent Retreat. Memories from a year ago kept flooding in and overwhelming me, making me cognizant of all that has happened in the last year. The people with whom I now share my life - I have only known them a year and somehow it seems longer.
Crystal and I tented this year, through a cold and rainy night and another cold night. Sunday morning dawned and as she ate her breakfast, I disassembled the soggy pine-needled Coleman tent.
My friend H. Ross observed my efforts from across the roadway. I disappeared to wash my grimy hands and Crystal returned in my absence.
H. Ross called out to her in his Mississippi drawl, "You missed the tent taking down."
Crystal replied that indeed she did.
"That Jen Gilbertson, " H. said, "she knows how to handle her Coleman."
Lol! Good for you and your Coleman! That really sucks about the garbage strike...I didn't know! I remember soo many skunks lived by us in Van. On time at 5:45am, on my way to work I was walking along and RIGHT in front of me with a huge tail was a skunk....I screamed and ran about a block away. It completely freaked me out. I sympathize.
And you pretty much are Superwoman...thats an insane schedule you've got going on! Miss YA
Jen!! I would love to see you! I am so glad that you are doing well - despite the overload. Isn't sleep a precious dream sometimes?
By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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